Sunday, October 19, 2014

Journal #3: Social Media in Schools

Journal #3: Social Media in Schools

Kessler, S. (2010, September 29). The Case for Social Media in Schools. Retrieved October 18, 2014, from

The social media will be around for a long time. According to the article “The Case For Social Media in Schools” by Sarah Kessler, more than seventy-five percent of the students have some kind of social media profile.  This survey was done more than four years ago, so the numbers most likely have increased since then. Students will learn when they are engaged and incorporating technology into the classroom is the key to maintaining students’ engaged on the lessons being taught. For example, they discussed that students were motivated to blog and share their thoughts with other peers.  Teachers should take advantage of the free tools online that can be managed to avoid any potential harm to the students. Students spend a good amount of time on the Internet so might as well have assignments posted online. 

In what ways will integrating technology impact the students?
The students will be prepared for the 21-century if they are given the skills about using technology in the academic setting. Social media will not be going away, might as well embrace it and find ways to make it part of the school curriculum.  

How can teachers effectively integrate technology into the classroom?
A good example that the article gave was using blogs where students can view assignments and share their ideas with their peers.  Also, using the cell phones would be a good idea to use, but only if the teachers knew a way to control what they viewed on their phones using the school network.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that teachers can use different methods to integrate technology into the classroom, but I think it would be near impossible for the teachers to control the material that students can view on their devices considering the facts students are providing the devices.
