Sunday, October 12, 2014

Journal #2: Affinity Group & Digg RSS Stream

The affinity group that I decided to join was the The Educator’s PLN, (link:, which seems to have recent activity. The reason why I chose this group was because it seems to have an abundance of resources for teachers. It seems to be a friendly user site; there is a tutorial that shows you how to navigate the site. Also, there are several educational videos which can be useful for teachers. Under Web 2.0 apps it contains a list of apps that can be beneficial for educators. I hope to find useful information that I can use in my classroom with my students.

I find the Digg RSS stream to be another useful tool that brings so much information from different sources. I like the feature that allows the navigator to choose topics of their interest and it displays sources from the most recent to the oldest. I added a few of the interests groups which were Educational Technology and SMART Board Integration. At the school where I work many of the teachers use Smart Boards, so having all these sources that talk about things that can be done on these devices was convenient.

Question #1: Can you narrow done your search on Digg RSS stream?
I was trying to narrow done my options for the Smart Board, but it does not allow me to do it. The sources that were under SMART Board Integration have a wide range of topics. I think it would be nice to have a feature with an advance search. For example, maybe you don’t want information that is more than a year old; the advance search button would allow you to narrow down your options.

Question#2: Is this an effective site for an educator in middle school?
Once again it is useful to some extent, but yet it is time consuming trying to go through the sources. It provides a lot of sites and articles that sometimes it’s hard to choose from. If it had an advance search button where you can type in the key words, it would be much more efficient. At times, it can be overwhelming when there are many sources generated from one interests group.

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